Friday, March 27, 2009


Destiney, Shay and Me paitiantly waiting in line to pay for our copy of TWILIGHT!

Alvina, Destiny and Shay See the side view of the red head sitting down. That is the girl that plays Victoria in the Movie. The line and crowd was so big to see her that this is the closest that we got. Ohhhhhh Well.
This is Millette. She twisted her ankel a few days before this and is sporting a beautiful brace over a purple and blue ankle. She is a trooper, we walked and stood around alot that night.
The crowds were endless and it was about 5000 degrees in walmart.

This is a cake that they were serving. We didn't have any due to the amount of people and germs from all the people around it..... It looked yummy but not yummy enough.

These girls were super cute. They were dressed up as Alice, when she was playing baseball. 2 of the girls really looked like her. The other one not so much.

It was a fun night. We went to Chili's around 9 pm and I eat my favorite Southwestern egg rolls. Yummm. While we were at dinner a friend called and told us that Smiths had started selling there copies at 10 pm. We debated but smiths was selling theres for $5 more than walmart. In the end we decided to take our chances with walmart. When we got there someone told us that Victoria and James were there so were started to make our way through the crowds. It was like highschool halls flashbacks all over again. We didn't make it very close because a few of us were starting to hyperventalate. I know we are getting old and boring. Around 11:30 the walmart employees started walking around with shopping carts full of DVDs so we all got one, and got in a check out line and waited until midnight when they started checking people out. Jen, Julene, Alvina, Laura, Destiny, Millett, Shay and I all came back to my house to watch the movie. It was alot of fun making fun of the diffrences and the cheesy parts together. We finished it around 3 in the morning. We had so much fun and I think I laughed so hard that my abbs hurt. I need to have more girls night outs.


Heather said...

Hi Jill,

What a crazy adventure! I happened to be in Borders on the release night, completely by accident, and it was not anywhere close to that level of craziness! Probably a good idea to steer clear of the cake. :) I guess the actors were there because Twilight is super huge in Utah? I thought the actress who played Victoria was really one of the better actors in the movie--especially in that last scene.

Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your kind comments on my blog. What's your email address? I like to reply to comments via email when I can. Mine's I also tried to send an email to your Mom awhile back, but don't know if she ever got it. Could you pass my email address on to her and tell me again what hers is? Thanks so much!

Have a great day, and I hope spring comes for you guys soon!

The Roberts Family said...

Looks like you guys had alot of fun! I know what you mean by getting old... I was to old to even stay awake past nine to go to the release party here! If James had been in Vegas though, I probably would have managed it!

Becca said...

Sounds like you guys had fun, despite the memories of high school halls. :) I'm excited for girls night on Friday!

Advice from Ordinary People Flourishing Together said...

That sounds fun! Seriously, there is nothing better than an occasional girl's night out. Let me know if you have read any other good books lately.